An Update and Side Note…

As we continue to wait for God to open that door for us to go to Thailand, our entries on this blog have been pretty few and far between! It’s not been easy, being patient, and there is still time to wait. But our thoughts are never far from the country and what God called us to. Sometimes we feel that we are missing opportunities, things over there are passing us by, and it can be a bit discouraging. But God never tells us, “Oh, I was just kidding!” So we hold on to the fact that His timing is perfect and when it comes to that moment, we know that is when we will be the most effective there.

In the meantime, Audra has taken on a new personal blog; . While it will contain  of topics, you can be sure that Thailand will be one of them.

Prayer requests and updates will continue to be posted on our family’s blog as they arise. Thank you for continuing to follow this blog through the inactivity and we look forward to the day when the entry title will be “It’s Time To Go!”